I am truly honoured to be selected as a National Award Winner from many very talented photographers and proud to represent Slovakia with my photograph in this prestigious competition. Winning this accolade is an incredible success giving me the confidence to pursue further my passion for photography and a fantastic opportunity to showcase my work to a worldwide audience.
In Slovak
"Som skutočne poctená a hrdá, že som som vyhrala národnú cenu spomedzi toľkých, veľmi talentovaných fotografov v tejto prestížnej súťaži. Je to obrovský úspech, ktorý ma naďalej motivuje rozvíjať kariéru fotografa a zároveň fantastická priležitosť celosvetovo prezentovať svoju prácu."
"Thanks to photography I became an outdoor person, a real nature addict. I love to sneak out of bed before dawn and wait for the first sounds of nature, often just breathing in the magic atmosphere before I set up my camera."
Read the full interview with the World Photography Organization here.
Prints available on my page or you can purchase directly from World Photography Organization here.
Published in German Focus Magazine
My photograph Matterhorn Sunrise published in the German Focus Magazine (March 24, 2018) on a double-page spread.
